Sprint Galaxy S3 Modem Speeds
I'm having MAJOR issues with my connectivity as well. My husband has a new iPhone S4 and has more bars than myself when we stand next to each other. I'm in the 55912 area.
I checked my street-level coverage and it says 'max', but hasn't been updated since 6/28/12.and it's obviously wrong. I had several dropped calls today which I NEVER had with my Evo. If this isn't fixed within the next couple of days, I'm going to be returning this awesome new phone for either a new Evo or iPhone.
Sprint Galaxy S3 Ebay
This phone's beautiful and is very user-friendly, but NOT WORTH THE FRUSTRATION! Update, downloaded a data test app called speed test. In the Pittsburgh area where I live I've been having test speeds ranging from 5 kbps to 100 kbps both of which are absolutely horrible. I went to the sprint store did the test on my S3 and the Evo 4g LTE and at the store they were pretty similar both around 700 kbps although the EVO was higher on average with 800 kpbs. Not sure what to do, but I figured I would give the S3 another week or so, if it doesn't get any better I will have to switch to the EVO, its ashame becuase I really like this phone.Side Note: Updated PRL, profile, data reset.
And nothing worked. Sorry I've been jabbering about the 3g (figured it was a similar issue). My signal is also consistantly low, although I only had one dropped call and one random voicemail. I have confirmed that the 3g reception is for sure a very week link on the SGSIII I moved from an EVO 4g and was so sick that Sprint fell flat on really rolling out 4g. I travel extensively and was in usable 4g about 1/2 of 1 percent of my time. I am not sure what to do now, the tables have turned with weakness prone 3g but but not knowing how extensive is Sprint going to come thru for me with 4g?
They have already taken so long, will they replace all existing 3g with 4g or leave 3g to what they consider the fringe, but that is where I would be without any service as I move about. I would hate to be locked into a contract and later forced to buy a phone after my contract is up out of desperation to get service back? I identify greatly with Tulyp222 as my wife has the iPhone and hers works as mine has no signal and drops data or whatever I am doing. I love many things about SGSIII by have expanding concerns, If I return this phone I will feel sick as I held such high hope of a phone that was exactly what I was waiting for only to have a very smacking letdown.
Reception is everything!!!It would be great if a Sprint moderator dropped in and remarked regarding Spring 4G LTE intentions and foreseeable action plan. I had the evo 4G before along with my wife. We both got S3's and we are both ahving issues with wifi turning on by iteself, slow to non existent data connnections, as it seems to 'loose' connection many times and loading google may take 5 minutes. So far if the reception was not an issue I would love this phone. But I think my wife and I are going to have to return them.as the phone is worthless if it doesn't hold phone and data connection.
Oh and by the way these are in areas where we had no issues with our evo 4g for phone or data connectivity. I contacted Samsung to see what they would say and it was about worthless even after informing them of all this and that without stable reception the S3's will be returned. Also, I have installed the OTA update and the same issue exists before and after. I may have to switch my wife and I to the evo 4G LTE phones instead. I'd recommend you check the problems with Evo HTC 4G LTE before switching. The best bet is probably the iphone.Four people in my house have Evo's and ALL of them suffer timezone problems.
I have replaced mine 3 times and it's made absolutely no difference. I live in NH. This is more than annoying if you use your calendar or alarms because more often than not, they will not go off due to the switching back and forth - i've tested it by turning auto timezone off. The other problem thats common to all our EVO's is that they disconnect/reconnect to wifi frequently. Typically when the browser is first opened you will see 'connection lost, retry'. It will happen right next to wireless router. If you disable mobile data it stops, so it must have something to do with poor signal strength in my area that's causing phone to switch from 3g/cdma.Phone is great for making calls, far better than any Samsung i've ever had but these problems make core functions practically unusable and make the phone a disappointment as a consequence.
HTC released a s/w update that has not fixed the problems although it was supposed too.
I know how you feel. I stood in front of the 34th street sprint store and lost signal last week. Migrating over from Verizon due to the attractive deal on new activations and the fact that I dont have an upgrade available and I had to have the SG S3. The lack of 4G is probably more evident because the 3G speeds in NYC are honestly very poor. We are hoping for 4G just to be comparable to other network speeds. However, with that said we all know what to expect in terms of service and capabilities of the phones. The cost savings is not bad either.
@ and @, are you kidding me. Whining people?! 'It is NOT Sprint's responsibility to tell you what YOU are buying'. Are you kidding me?!First off, not every Sprint costumer is as not as uber smart about WiMax vs LTE, 1900/2500/800 mhz and all that as you apparent God's of cell phones are.If I walk into a Sprint store wanting to upgrade from a SII to the latest shiny SIII model and expect even better service instead of an immediate service downgrade then yes I would feel misled unless the Sprint sales rep came right out and said it.
It doesn't appear the case with these message posters. A general customer focuses on 4G, not the initials after that. They just want what everyone on the other carriers have, 4G service.And a new to Sprint customer who has never experienced the 'Now Its Somewhat Fast In a Few Markets But is Now Slow or Inaccessible In Almost All Markets But Soon Will Be Faster In a Few More Markets Over Time Maybe By The Time You Have 2 Months Of Your 2 Year Contract Left It Will Be Fast In Your Market Network' has every right to be confused and not know that this issue has been going on.Sprint dropped the ball with WiMax. Sprint is dropping the ball with the NV upgrade essentially shutting off service for months for large populations of people.
Sprint sales reps are not managing expectations with LTE vs WiMax phones. Not informing the customers what they are buying is misleading. Read the forums yourself. Are all these 'whiners' that unintelligent?
Or maybe just confused and feeling a little let down and misled.Oh wait, 'It is NOT Sprint's responsibility to tell you what YOU are buying'. They are just supposed to push the latest and greatest hoping you didn't do your homework, because if you did you probably wouldn't be going with Sprint after all. LOL love the way you put it.BUT most state laws say if the company makes / supplies / promotos something they do have a hand in the game.I bought my phone at a SPRINT owned store, saleman was not only a tech but asst manger of story. Told me 4G was coming soon. That was march of 2012 and now the phone will never get 4G because it's WiMax.The big problem now is that Criag's list is full of 'sprint 4G' phones that will never work, and if Sprint an't telling you, these guys sure the heck won't.But as you pointed out, Spint said, an't their fault.
Welcome to the wonderful world of 'business'. Its like anything else, if you expect to get ahead, educate yourself on the 'how to'. You can't blame a business for trying to make a buck when you're right there drooling handing your money to them. You don't just go to a car lot and say 'I want that one!
Why would you do that with an expensive cell phone? You can't blame a salesman for lying to you. When have you ever met an honest saleman? Why would you even expect that? There is enough information available to you about everything, you shouldn't need a salesman telling you what to buy.
And if you do, you deserve exactly what you get! 4G LTE is still being actively deployed, even in areas where LTE has 'launched' only a portion of the towers have been upgraded. New towers are upgraded and worked on daily. I do not know exactly how the LTE coverage maps are generated, so I do not know if they are displaying current coverage, expected coverage X-weeks in advance, when rollout is complete in the area, etc. I just don't have access to that information or know who to ask really.Also ensure that your phone is set to 'CDMA/LTE/EVDO' in Settings Wireless and Network More Settings Mobile Networks Network Mode. If it is set to CDMA only then you won't get an LTE signal even if one is available.